Sunday, May 3, 2009

National Marathon

This post will be a bit different - bullets

- Don't play hockey the night before a marathon
-- It was the playoffs, I had to (done it before with similar results)
- I found it more difficult to run a marathon from my home than from a hotel room
- It was nice not to fly to a marathon
- Strawberry Starbucks kickass
- Beer during a marathon, no matter the mile tastes great
- M&Ms and Jelly Beans (eaten together) aren't a good mix
- Hitting the "wall" at mile 11 is not cool
- Running the first 13.1 in the time you wanted - awesome
- Running the last 13.1 20 minutes slower than you wanted - not awesome
- The food at the end of the marathon should be the same food you get at the end of a 5K
- At Mile 13.1 I was half way to completing the 50 states and DC marathon quest
- 26 down, 25 to go!

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